Practical Pro Tips for Guitar
Dave shares some practical ways to do every day things that guitar players do.
3 videos:
Changing Martin Strings Dave shows you the proper way to change strings on a guitar.
Purchase Martin Strings One Key, Two Voices Dave shows you how to record a cool sounding acoustic guitar part by record one pass in the left stereo, and another pass capoed up, in the right stereo channel. Open G Tuning In this first video about alternate guitar tunings, Dave shows you how to tune the guitar and play a pattern in Open G tuning.
Purchase Martin Strings One Key, Two Voices Dave shows you how to record a cool sounding acoustic guitar part by record one pass in the left stereo, and another pass capoed up, in the right stereo channel. Open G Tuning In this first video about alternate guitar tunings, Dave shows you how to tune the guitar and play a pattern in Open G tuning.